Blog Archive

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Coming to America

Ours lives will never be the same. Today we packed up all our stuff and left. Our country is in bad shape. Everywhere I turn I see people begging for food and pleading for help. It is hard because people struggling with the same situations so it is difficult to find help. I look for work everyday, but there is no work available. I just do housework and hope that it will be enough to get by. We have to live day by day because we never know what will happen. 
My children cry all night long. They tell me that they're hungry. They're sick of eating stale and rotting bread. The taste is indescribable. It is hard and the after taste is so disgusting that there are no words I can use to try to explain it. I don't know what to do. Every single night my kids tell me that they miss their father. He was arrested when he got caught stealing. He didn't do anything wrong; he just wanted to feed his family. Everyone is stealing. There is no other way to get the food around here.
It is hard being the only adult in the house. I am so lonely. I miss my husband. I just want to talk to someone who understands me and  I do my best, but things are tough. My husband is not getting out anytime soon. The kids ask where he is, but I just say he is working for us.
We got on the boat that is taking us to the country of hope. We are going to America. We need to start our lives over again. In America, people can find work and they can make their lives as successful as they can. I want to provide for my children and make sure they have opportunities. They will be able to make their own choices. I won't let them depend on anyone because that will get them no where. They will learn the importance of working for what they want, and accomplishing their goals without anyone's help. They will have the option to make something of themselves, which is something that I never had.

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